Family Reunification Limited Stay Visa
(Index C317)

with AOS Bali, responsible immigration consultant

Limited Stay Visa not for work is given to foreigners who will join their families in Indonesia. This visa holder may not work in Indonesia.

Activity / purpose of this visit visa:

Joining the family in Indonesia

Foreigners who will join their legal family.

Period of Stay

The period of stay in Indonesia is given for 6 (six) months/180 days, 1 (one) year and 2 (two) years. A residence permit derived from this visa can be extended.


1. Valid and Valid National Passport:

    • a minimum of 12 (twelve) months for those who will stay in the Indonesian Territory for a maximum period of 180 (one hundred and eighty) days;
    • a minimum of 18 (eighteen) months for those who will live in the Indonesian Territory for a maximum period of 1 (one) year; or
    • a minimum of 30 (thirty) months for those who will live in the Indonesian Territory for a maximum period of 2 (two) years.

2. 2 (two) recent color photographs measuring 4 cm x 6 cm (four centimeters x six centimeters) with a white background;
3. vaccines
4. address in indonesia
5. identity card (KTP) of the father or mother of a valid Indonesian citizen;
6. family card (KK) of the father or mother of an Indonesian citizen;
7. photocopy of birth certificate that has been translated into Indonesian by a sworn translator, unless already in English;
8. photocopy of marriage certificate/book of marriage of parents which has been translated into Indonesian by a sworn translator, unless already in English;
9. report marriage from indonesian embassy (if marriage overseas) certificate of proof of parents’ marriage reporting, for those who carry out marriages outside the Indonesian Territory;
10. report marriage from civil registration (if marriage overseas)
11. bank statement last 3 months